Performance Analysis Job Aid
CourseThe Performance Analysis Job Aid/Quick Reference Guide is an easy-to-use reference to help you determine the causes of performance problems and identify realistic solutions.
TDW Participant Materials
BundleHow to guarantee increased return on your investment in workplace performance.
What Every Manager Should Know About Training
CourseWhat Every Manager Should Know About Training provides managers with a clear introduction to performance technology, without gimmicks or jargon. It shows them how to determine whether or not training is appropriate for improving performance.
CRI Participants Workshop
BundleThe complete flagship workshop developed by Dr. Mager. The skills taught in this self-paced workshop continue to be the foundation for analysis, design, and developing courses, curricula and workplace performance systems. Presentation/Duration: 5-7 d
Making Instruction Work
CourseMaking Instruction Work breaks down the complicated task of developing instruction and makes it simple. It takes you step-by-step through the design and development process.
Measuring Instructional Results
CourseRobert Mager’s popular and easy-to-read book shows you how to develop the special tools you need to measure instructional results and demonstrate the value of your training.