Making Instruction Work
CourseMaking Instruction Work breaks down the complicated task of developing instruction and makes it simple. It takes you step-by-step through the design and development process.
Measuring Instructional Results
CourseRobert Mager’s popular and easy-to-read book shows you how to develop the special tools you need to measure instructional results and demonstrate the value of your training.
How to Turn Learners On...
CourseStudents should enjoy what they are learning. They should be excited to use their new skills and eager to learn more. Robert Mager’s How to Turn Learners On… Without Turning Them Off gives you the power to increase student motivation.
Analyzing Performance Problems
CourseRobert Mager and Peter Pipe best-seller, Analyzing Performance Problems is your surefire guide to systematically finding solutions to performance problems in your organization. Mager and Pipe outline a step-by-step approach to solving problems
The New Mager Six Pack
BundleConsidered to be the reference library for educators, trainers, or anyone serious about improving performance, The New Mager Six-Pack contains six famous “how-to” handbooks. From providing a strong foundation in the basics for newcomers to serving as
Goal Analysis
CourseGoal Analysis provides a concise, simple, step-by-step process for translating vague abstractions like “have a positive attitude” into specific, observable, desired performances. Full of practical examples and practice opportunities. Contains over 5